Monday, January 12, 2009

Quiet Day

Corrine was dissapointed when her nurse Shirly left. Shirly could not tell her how long it would be before she got to go to heaven. It could be tomorrow, or it could be weeks away. It's the same story they told us before Corrine began her journey with Hospice.

We have been so impressed by our hospice care providers. Corrine has cried with joy because of the love she has experience through their calm voices and tender hands. And they have been very good guiding us through her care and preparing us for what lies ahead.

Corrine's vitals continue to remain the same, with an elevated heart rate and lower than normal blood pressure... but consistent with a few days ago.

Corrine's face is pale, her skin taunt over her cheek-bones. Corrine is slow to speak, her voice is quiet, and her words are a little slurred. But when Camille called this morning she spoke a loud and clear "Happy Birthday!" and her eyes lit up the room.

We are thankful for continued pain management. We followed the nurses advice and left a light on and background music playing last night. Corrine rested much better, except for needing help changing her position periodically.

Corrine enjoyed a comfortable bed bath this morning and is resting well.


1 comment:

  1. I think with fondness of the time Corrine and I took a painting class at the Arvada center. The teacher was Chuck Cereaso. We used oil paint that was included in the class fee. She was doing a great job, but thought it was terrible. I was very impressed as her painting past was non-existent as far as I knew and I had been to the drop-in art class with Don for a few years. We tried to get her to join us. I really think she had a hidden talent there.
    She is a very special person. I am glad she has you all there for her. Thank you for the blogs. They are a comfort to me.
    Loretta Artus (neighbor down the street)


Please share anything that comes to mind. Any notes to Corrine are shared with her daily.