Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good night 2009!

Thank you to everyone who helped today; we have felt the support. Food, omputer help, visits, cards, and comments from the blog have all been very encouraging.

Corrine was surprised this afternoon with the visit of her older sister Pearly and her husband, Wayne. We heard about Corrine as a six year old wearing a beautiful blue dress her sister pressed for her and dancing around with a camisole. So I guess she has always been a vivacious girl! After hearing that story, Corrine told me she was looking forward to dancing in heaven because she's always had two left feet.

Corrine also had several other adoring fans come visit her. Susanna, Steve's wife, and two loving girls, Camille and Anna. They brought with them a load of energy as they climbed onto the bed to give hugs. Corrine's face lit up with joy as she expressed her love for them.

Corrine was able to take her evening medications and the nausea is under control for the time being, but breathing is beginning to slow and become less rhythmic. The pain has continued to be in control for the time being.

We know there is a crowd of angels waiting for Corrine and watching over us. Corrine wanted me to express her love to all of you and to tell you above all that "God is Good! And He loves you very much!"

Talk to you next year,


  1. Corrine,

    It is good to hear how Camille and Anna are bringing much joy to you during their visit. Know that we are pryaing for you and your family.

    Aaron and Kimberley Wun "Steve and Susanna's neighbors"

  2. Dear Corrine,

    We love you very much! I know those angels are going to love your beautiful, natural, gray hair as much as I do :-)

    All our love to Don and your family.

    Heidi and the Andy Leoni family (Don's nephew)

  3. Dear Dad and Corrine,

    We are sending you both our love and prayers.

    We treasure the memories of when you invited us to travel with you to Spain and Hawaii. We will hold the memories of your sense of adventure and contagious optimism, close to our hearts.

    Your generosity and love for life will live with us forever...

    Wishing you peace and comfort,

    Paula, Gerardo, & Yaliza

  4. Auntie C - We were just talking tonight about the 2 weeks I stayed at your house when I had mono during a summer of Baldpate (I remember you, Steve & Angela having so much fun!) Or how about the time when you and I were at the front desk of Baldpate and in charge and that customer made us cry? Oh Baldpate...

    Enjoy your family being together with you. - Jen

  5. Corrine,
    I thank our heavenly Father for bringing you into my life. You have helped sharpen me as iron sharpens. Since I don't have a sister, you have become one, a confidente, a true friend thru hard times and good, accepting and loving me, Louie, Diana, and Naseem just as we are.

    Thank-you for your prayers, sharing sermon thoughts, scripture from "The Message", crying with me, laughing with me. You have helped me focus on God instead of a problem or situation, often times helping me see the other side of an issue.

    Louie and I have fond memories of you and Don. The laughter, coffee times, playing dominos, meals times, the trips we took together, and just spending time together.

    Dance for me and sing for me in heaven.

    Savior like a Shepherd lead us
    Much we need Thy tender care
    In Thy pleasant pastures feed us
    For our use Thy folds prepare
    Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
    Thou hast bought us Thine we are
    Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus
    Thou has bought us Thine we are

    Ps 23: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still water. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness fo his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anountest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


    Don, We love you very much and we are here for you. May God's peace fill you.

    Steve and Angela,
    We love you and are praying for you too.

    Louie and Ruth

  6. Corrine,

    I know our paths haven't crossed much in life, but I do have a memory of being in your home during March of 1993. My friend and I traveled from Illinois to Colorado to ski the entire week of Spring Break my Junior year of college. You so graciously hosted us in your home and gave us warm beds to sleep in. I will always remember your generosity in letting two college age girls crash at your home each night after a hard day of skiing. That trip was one of my top five of all my trips I've taken. On a side note, I remember one night druing that week that Angela got locked out of the house and had to sleep outside. We all had a good laugh at that the next morning.

    Our prayers are with you and your family during this time. We love you and are thinking of you all.

    Shauna Trotzke


Please share anything that comes to mind. Any notes to Corrine are shared with her daily.